Low Gain Ground Mounted Antennas for LEO Satellites

Apparently there are lot’s of differing opinions on antennas – now there’s a shocker   Hopefully, we can put some rough numbers on things to help folks to figure out where opinion ends and basic principle begins.


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Project LOAP (Lipstick On A Pig) – Pixie XCVR Mods with Outboard CW Filter and Audio Amp

The 40 Meter Pixie (available at the time of writing for about $7 assembled on eBay) is an interesting minimalist transceiver design – crystal controlled, 2 transistors and an audio amplifier chip.    And you are on the air with a unit that you can make QSO’s with!  Naturally,  there is much room for improvement, and it can in fact be done for only a few dollars more.  Below I describe a set of additions that I think really enhances the Pixie’s usefulness.

40M LOAP2 Pixie n CW Filter Spkr n T-Tuner Continue reading Project LOAP (Lipstick On A Pig) – Pixie XCVR Mods with Outboard CW Filter and Audio Amp

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80 Meters and Up – Portable Base Matching Unit for 42 to 48 Foot Verticals and Inverted-Ls – Medium Power Version

The unit on the left below is the medium power BMU (Base Matching Unit) intended for 42 foot to 48 foot vertical, sloper, or Inverted-L antennas.  Naturally, these antennas (like all end-fed antennas) require a decent radial system for efficient operation on the lower bands.

BMUs Top View QRP Portable and Med Pwr Continue reading 80 Meters and Up – Portable Base Matching Unit for 42 to 48 Foot Verticals and Inverted-Ls – Medium Power Version

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80 Meters and Up – Portable Base Matching Unit for 42 to 48 Foot Verticals and Inverted-Ls – QRP Version

The unit on the right below is the QRP BMU (Base Matching Unit) intended for 42 foot to 48 foot vertical, sloper, or Inverted-L antennas.  Naturally, these antennas (like all end-fed antennas) require a decent radial system for efficient operation on the lower bands.

BMUs Top View QRP Portable and Med Pwr Continue reading 80 Meters and Up – Portable Base Matching Unit for 42 to 48 Foot Verticals and Inverted-Ls – QRP Version

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Still More Medium Power T-Tuners for Cheap

As part of renewed interest in portable medium power operations, I wanted a small cheap matcher.  The units below are simply standard T-Tuners.  Using dirt-cheap construction technique and commonly available parts, these units perform well at a very low cost.

T-Tuner Top View Med Pwr - 11 Continue reading Still More Medium Power T-Tuners for Cheap

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Yet Another QRP Portable T-Tuner and SWR Bridge for Cheap

As part of project LOAP (Lipstick On A Pig ===> http://vtenn.com/Blog/?p=1348), I wanted a small cheap matching and SWR indication unit for the Pixie-based transceiver system.  The T-Tuner and SWR bridge unit on the right, in the picture below, is not vastly different from others, but here it is for your consideration as a good performer at a low cost.  Note however, that it has been characterized into real-world impedances with a worst-case loss of less than 0.9 dB.

BMU and T-Tuner Top View QRP System Continue reading Yet Another QRP Portable T-Tuner and SWR Bridge for Cheap

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“Z-Substitution” Method for Measuring UNUN Loss Into Real-World Load Impedances

Often one sees characterization and loss measurement of UNUNs using an SWR measurement of the UNUN when terminated in it’s transformation resistance, or with the “back-to-back” 2-x-Loss method.  Each method reveals something about some quality of the UNUN, but neither method tell us much about how much power the UNUN will deliver to the actual antenna.
unun-2In this article I will show a simple method of measuring actual UNUN losses into the actual load impedances that the UNUN will see in service.
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Classic W8JI Limited Space Antennas Article

Excellent technical article regarding limited space antennas:

Cap Hat Dipole

Limited Space Antennas

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Article by SP3L Modeling Various Configurations of Capacitance-Hat Dipoles

I modeled a number of shortened dipoles with various capacitive hats at their ends. I think the results may interest you.

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$3 to Quintuple the Output Power of a 40 M Pixie Transceiver

The Pixie is a fun and popular QRP transceiver kit.  However, typical output power on 40 M is only about 300 to 500 milli-Watts – a bit too QRPp at times…

In this article I’ll show cheap and easy ways to pump up the output power to around 1.2 or over 2 Watts, depending upon the power supply type and crystal activity.

Pixie 40 M pic - 2 Continue reading $3 to Quintuple the Output Power of a 40 M Pixie Transceiver

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